making a difference with movies

Have you heard of FilmAid International?

The founder, Caroline Baron, is a movie producer. She convinced of the idea for Filmaid in 1999 when she heard a report on a radio program about refugees. The broadcast said people in refuge camps had food and shelter,but many of them were depressed because they had nothing to to.

So Caroline brought movies to the camps from Kosovo, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Many refugees have seen appalling sight. The movies gave them something else to think about. The organization chooses nonviolent, family-oriented films. Beside that, it also shows educational films about topics to refugee life, such as AIDS and so on. The movies communicate ideas to large groups much easier than fliers do.

Caroline said " Of course food and shelter are the first need to be met, but people need more to survive. Seeing a film opens people's minds, inspires them and gives them hope."

For more information, please refer to their website:


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