generation overload

The contemporary culture advertise is achievement and accomplishment as the route to ultimate happiness. Once you do well, people always except you to do well. The culture had come to view teenagers as small adults. They were left feeling if they could not be a success by age 25, then they were failures. Therefore, you will find more of the overachiever culture in privileged areas because they are so driven toward getting into a prestigious school or university, but it transcends class lines.
The problem is that driven children who don't know how to cope with stress may fall into risky behaviours or develop metal disorders. They are afraid they will lose their edge. They think they can get by with a little less sleep. Pretty soon they are skipping meals. They don't exercise. They have no recovery time. The only one thing they do is to run, run, run.
In fact, much of the drive has been spurred by peer pressure. Peer pressure is one thing that all teens have in common. You can't escape it-it is everywhere. No matter how popular you are, how well liked you may be or how together you feel, sooner or later you will have to face peer pressure.
Please remember you can not be the best at everything, nor should you want to be. Overachievers are few and far between and the vast majority of us humans beings do not excel at anything. Sure, everybody is good at something and lots of people are good at more than one thing but very few people ever rise to the status of the very best. This it not a bad thing; it is a normal thing. The sooner you see your successes in life as as series of personal besets rather than a contest with other people, the better off you will be. You should only ever be in competition with yourself.
While you may be competing against somebody in a given event the only win that matters is the one you rack up against yourself. Look at it this way; say you are a runner and your best time ever is 7 minute mile. You enter a mile long race and come in first place over 100 other people but your time is 9 minutes. If your measure yourself against other people you did great and beat out a whole bunch of other hopefuls. You are the best, a winner! But are you rally ? Your best times ever is 2 minutes faster than the time it took you to win the race. Wouldn't it be a greater success for you to have run against nobody else but have finished the mile in 6 minutes?
No matter how good you are, even if you are currently the best, somebody is bound to come along sooner or later who is better than you are. This is why world records are always being set and broken, and will continue to be set and broken as long as the records are kept. There will always be somebody who is nicer, smarter, cuter,faster, than you. This is cruel fact of life. Don't worry about being the best, worry about being the best you can be. It makes for so many more successes in life and you'll be a happier person for it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something when you know better.