
Epressions that spring from a hand

The expression" to come hat in hand " means to beg . You ask for something you cannot cl aim as your own. It is a handout. You ask for it as an act of charity. It is something which proud independent people will now do if they can help it. There are some people, on the other hand, who will make you beg even for something that is rightfully yours . Such people who give " with a glad and willing hand ". This is an old saying to describe such a person. He or she does not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. This person gives freely without thinking about it too much. The expression " hand over fist " means quickly . People who are making money hand over first are getting rich so fast that they cannot believe it themselves. This expression comes from the sea. Sailors climbed the rop es or raised the boat sails by quickly putting one hand on top of the other. Generally, anything you pulled toward you was down hand by hand. Then one of the h

All can succeed

No one sets out in life to fail. The reality is that many do .Why so some prosper while other struggle just to exist? There is on simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that might shed some light onto this very complex issue. 1 The future is in your imagination Humans are blessed with the ability to think into the future. We can use our imagination to see possibilities. Use this unique gift in a positive way. Build a vision of what you want to be, have or do. It is the starting point of all successful activities. 2 To win ,you must expect to win Once wen imagine our future, we must wrap that vision with a belief system that encourages us to fulfill the vision. 3 We are surrounded by opportunity As we move through time, opportunities are abroad. All we have to do is recognize them and reach out to grab them. Capturing opportunity demands risk. Are you a risk taker? 4 Like that you do or do something else Low achievers usually don't like to work or don't like

The first stop of travelling Hangzhou

Before I leave Hangzhou, I am going to travel around Hangzhou for all the valuable places and sites. Hangzhou is such a beautiful city that I do not really want to leave. But it is not up to me. My desired work location is in Beijing. Maybe Hangzhou is a city which is suitable for living and relaxing, but not for working. Today, Sisi, Niuniu and I went to the silk museum and china museum. Both of them are free. That is why I love Hangzhou so much. There are so many public places for the citizens for free. Then we went to Qiangjiang River for a relax. We had a good time. Enjoy some photos.

The blue planet--Earth

Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as the beautiful " blue planet". The bare land areas appear red or brown, dark green shows where there is plant cover, and the white means snow. Besides the seven major land areas, called continents, there are thousands of islands. Some of these are arranged in groups and some stand alone in the great oceans. Arms of land which reach out into the water are called peninsulas (半岛); seas, gulfs and bays are armes of the ocean which lie beteen islands and peninsulas. A narrow piece of land connecting two larger land areas is an isthmus (地峡); a narrow streth of water beteen two land areas is called a strait or a channel. Water is constantly in motion on the earth. Rain water runs off the mountains into valleys; it collects in lakes and rivers which carry it back to the seas. From the high altitudes of mountain passes and plateaus to the canyons and low-lying planis, the features of the land are wonderful t

Speech by Mary Anne Gale--success, what does it take?

Mary Anne Gale, who is VP Product Supply Pan Asia of P&G, is a great business female leader at present. Yesterday, she gave a wonderful speech about how to be a successful career manager in the international meeting hall in our university . I am so glad to have this opportunity to listen to her insight and idea about the career development and the relationship between work and family, which really enlighten me greatly. What is more, I get much closer the culture of P&G before I step into the international and honorable company. First of all, Mary started her presentation about her family. Who is she? She is not only a business woman, but also a perfect wife and mother. She is so pond of her marriage, because they have a long distance marriage more than 20 years. In her opinion, her family is more important than her working in P&G. That is why she could balance the relationship between family and work. If there are some conflicts, they always sit down to have a disc

The postmodern life of my aunt

又名: Yi ma de hou xian dai sheng huo 导演: 许鞍华 主演: 周润发 / 斯琴高娃 / 赵薇 / 卢燕 上映年度: 2007 语言: 普通话 官方网站: imdb 链接: tt 0470984 制片国家/地区: 中国 Chinese actress Siqin Gaowa plays a woman who has deeply hurt her husband and daughter by choosing to leave them and move to Shanghai. The moves picks up at a time when she has begun to feel lonely. Her nephew comes to Shanghai for a visit and --one thing leads to another--this woman with a college degree is scammed out of her life savings. Things get worse when she falls down some stairs and has to call the very family she has rejected. She had been humbled and changed. I guess this kind of story is common and ordinary in China, because of the effect of history. Some talent people could not make best use of their abilities but mingle into the life they would not want to live. They try their best to break away from it. That is why aunt in the movie returned Shanghai without hesitate. However, life in Shang

It is an utter waste of time

I've come to an unfortunate realization: what I do with my life is considered by the majority of the adult population to be an utter waste of time. I play. Now, if I were a kid, playing would be acceptable, but something happens during the transition between childhood and adulthood. It is called the Protestant Work Ethic ( This is a stern moral code emphasizing the need for constant labor in life and work. Protestants consider work as one's duty because it benefits both the individual and society. So, working diligently is one's social obligation and a sign of God's influence and one's purity ), and it is forced upon us through unspoken rules that demand that we take ourselves and our tasks very seriously indeed. Even if they are meant to be fun. Once we leave school and hit the job market, things get worse . Everything we do is expected to have a purpose, or it's just not worth doing. We go to the gym to stay fit. We read novels to expand our minds. We go t