Epressions that spring from a hand

The expression" to come hat in hand" means to beg. You ask for something you cannot claim as your own. It is a handout. You ask for it as an act of charity. It is something which proud independent people will now do if they can help it.
There are some people, on the other hand, who will make you beg even for something that is rightfully yours. Such people who give " with a glad and willing hand". This is an old saying to describe such a person. He or she does not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. This person gives freely without thinking about it too much.
The expression" hand over fist" means quickly.
People who are making money hand over first are getting rich so fast thatThis expression comes from the sea. Sailors climbed the ropes or raised the boat sails by quickly putting one hand on top of the other. Generally, anything you pulled toward you was down hand by hand. Then one of the hands became a fist. And instead of " hand by hand" or " hand over hand", it became " hand over fist".
they cannot believe it themselves.
Nothing, of course, can be closer than a hand inside a glove. That is just what the expression " hand in glove" means.
Two or more people working very closely together in any joint effort, good or. About 300 years ago, the expression was" hand and glove". Later to describe an even closer relationship, the hand was put inside the glove and it became "hand in glove".
band, are working hand in glove
The "handwriting on the wall", as the expression goes, tells us that our time is about up. The expression "handwriting on the wall "s a warning. It has passed into many languages from the Christian holy book-the Bible. As the Bible tells the story, a mysterious hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere before King Belshazzar while he was busy feasting and drinking. The hand wrote four strange works on the wall of the palace room. Only the prophet Daniel understood the meaning of the words. He told the king that the words on the wall meant that the faced disaster. And the words soon came true. King Belshazzar was defeated and killed in battle. And with that, we're in a great hurry to get moving.